You can submit only one application per year. A maximum amount of 1000 euros is granted per application, 75% of which is paid in advance and 25% after receipt of a final report and the bookkeeping.
What requirements do applications have to meet?
- If you actively participate in an ICOM conference, your travel and accommodation expenses may be reimbursed.
- If you are participating as a member of a Standing Committee or Working Group as established by the Executive Council you may also be eligible for reimbursement.
- If you are conducting international research in a museum-related field of expertise, with the intention of sharing the results openly (in any event via ICOM Netherlands), the potential reimbursement applies to costs incurred when having contact/exchange with other ICOM members.
- If you organise a meeting/webinar or other form of active knowledge-exchange, this meeting should be widely accessible and contribute to professional contact between several (international) ICOM members.
We ask you to submit a short project description in advance with a breakdown of expenses with the application form. Please note: we contribute to travel expenses (within reason), so please add details of the booking as well.
Within one month after the trip/presentation/meeting/publication, we ask you to send us a short report and a financial justifcation (budget, supplemented by realisation). In the report, you answer the following questions:
What did you use the grant for? (max 150 words)
What are the main 'lessons learned' in terms of international exchange? (max 150 words)
What would you like to share with Dutch ICOM members? (max 150 words)
We also ask you to send along four royalty-free photos. We share these reports through our communication channels. Finally, we ask you to include the logo of ICOM Netherlands on all relevant communications.
General information
Apllications for grants are accepted throughout the year. Please take not we need arount six weeks to process your application.
Questions about subsidies and applications? Contact us at