Inspraakavond Ethische Code voor musea

On 16 September, the Standing Committee of Ethics (ETHCOM) organised a global webinar to launch the next phase of the revision of the ICOM Code of Ethics. Were you there? Then you may know that a first version of the revised Code is currently on the table. All ICOM members can provide feedback on this by 31 October 2024. This ‘preliminary review’ is intended to arrive at the draft text. In order to formulate ICOM Netherlands' response, we would like to exchange views with you during an online consultation evening. 

At this stage, ETHCOM is concerned with gauging initial reactions to the submitted text. It is NOT about text editing at this stage, but about the broad outlines per main point in the Draft (Principles). We ask participants to read the Draft text carefully prior to this meeting. 

Download the Draft text 

Practical Information

  • Tuesday evening 15 October from 7.30 pm - approx. 8.30 pm
  • Anyone can join, no sign-up required
  • Link to Zoom meeting - or copy this link in your browser:

Would you prefer to respond by e-mail? That is also possible. Send your reaction to the first version of the revised Code to by 25 October 2024.