ICOM Award: Call for Applications


The first-ever ICOM Award is for pioneering sustainable developments within the museum community. The aim? To encourage museums' participation in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals and shed light on concrete actions and the different ways in which museums are working towards sustainable development. Is your museum eligible? Please consider applying!

More about the Prize

Who can apply?

You are eligible for the ICOM Award if your museum has successfully implemented and completed sustainable development actions.
The criteria are:

  • The initiative must show clear results, outcomes or impact.
  • ICOM is looking for diverse submissions, from different types of museums, focusing on different sustainable development challenges. 
  • Submissions from small museums are especially encouraged, as are small projects and projects from museums that have pushed the boundaries of 'standard' museum practice.

Application process

Applicants in the Netherlands first apply to ICOM Netherlands, as participants must be nominated by their own national committee. To do this, you fill in the first part of this form. Send this together with the completed project description document by e-mail to secretariaat@icom.nl. 
Then fill in the information on the submission portal and upload the project description document together with the signed approval letter. Deadline for application: 30 September 2024.

And after that?

Through ICOM's general secretariat, submissions then reach the jury for assessment. This jury makes an initial selection, a longlist, from the list of eligible projects and then a shortlist. Three finalists are then selected. The winner will be announced at the Dubai General Conference in 2025, during the award ceremony.

More information