ICOM Netherlands

As a member of ICOM Netherlands, you are part of an international network of museum professionals. ICOM is committed to fostering cooperation between countries and organisations in the field of art and cultural heritage, through knowledge sharing, exchanges and networks.

Why become a member?

ICOM Netherlands has over 6000 individual and institutional members. What does the association have to offer you as a Dutch museum professional?

  • First of all, an international knowledge-sharing network of like-minded colleagues.
  • You can really make a difference by participating in the various International Committees and Working Groups that deal with important issues in our profession.
  • Members also have access to various ICOM publications, toolkits and conferences, and regularly receive discounts on the activities of partner institutes.
  • As a member of ICOM Netherlands you are also eligible for various subsidy schemes.
  • Finally, you receive the ICOM card, which provides access to museums worldwide. However, this is not a right that can be derived from the ICOM card, it is a courtesy offered by the museums in question.

The vast majority of membership fees go to ICOM International in Paris. From there, ICOM is committed to serving museums and museum collections worldwide. This includes facilitating the more than 30 International Committees in organising collaborations between members with different expertise, combating illicit art trafficking, and protecting museums in conflict- or disaster zones.

We support the international goal of ICOM by:

  • Representing the Netherlands in the Advisory Council and various ICOM projects.

  • Assisting Dutch members and other institutions with advice and coordination in the area of foreign policy.

General Assembly (ALV)

The General Assembly (ALV) takes place every spring, and is usually followed by a substantive programme on a current museum theme. You are very welcome to attend.

More information about the General Asssembly


An ICOM membership is so much more than a card in your wallet. I like to contribute to increasing knowledge and contacts between Dutch museum professionals and our international colleagues. It’s instructive and a lot of fun!

- Caroline Breunesse, Chair


  • Caroline Breunesse


  • Arja van Veldhuizen


  • Amanda Vollenweider


  • Femke Haijtema


  • Paul Klarenbeek


  • Justin van den Berg


  • Oliva Bicker-Caarten

    Student Member